Thursday 13 June 2019

Old Covenant >>> New Covenant (3)

Devious Behaviour

[Begin here with a careful reading of Matthew 22:36-40 and Mark 12:28-34.]

We cannot relate to God successfully on the basis of anything besides the terms and conditions of the new covenant; and we are very devious, cunning and conspiratorial if we try.  Paul condemns these attempts as “other gospels” which are no gospels at all (see Galatians 1).  Indeed!  We may be able to make them sound like ‘good news’ but, from start to finish, they are very bad news indeed – if only because they are so devious and deceptive.

As it would be understood even in the allegory, attempting such cunning exploits amounts to fraud.  And the only response worthy of a human being seeking the face of God is deep repentance.  But does He get our repentance?  Most of the time, it doesn’t cross our minds that we are doing anything wrong.  Shades of Jeremiah 2:34-36.

The new covenant means that, for the price of surrendering our shabby lives to God through Jesus, we share in all the forgiveness and freedom and rights of sons and in His inheritance.  And then, when we apply Matthew 22 and Mark 12, we fall on our faces in love and adoration and worship; and we please His heart by bringing to others the blessings we have received.  We find ourselves gladly serving Him and His Kingdom and His Household.

The old covenant takes us, with whip and shackles, to the serving part without much hope of ever getting out of the grind of rituals and sacrifices; orders of service and obligations; buildings and programs; priests and robes.  The new covenant is freedom.

The essence of the old covenant is formula, replica and appearances; the essence of the new covenant, by contrast, is principle, original and truth.  [A table of this appears in a later post.]

I believe that, when God abandoned the old covenant as the way to relate to Him, its central ideas were taken up by His eternal enemy and they are now presented to humans in all types of garb to deceive and delude.  Hence, what you get is formulae (instead of principles), replicas (instead of every one being an ‘original’) and everything depending on appearances (instead of the ‘plum-line’ or ‘truth’ of God’s reality).

On this basis, under the new covenant, everything about the administration of the realm changes.  And any ‘servant’ who purports to serve God but binds people back to the old covenant – or to him or her self as a ‘guru’ – is a menace to the Gospel of Jesus and the eternal kingdom of God.  The apostle Paul expressed the wish that they might go and castrate themselves!  Gulp!  Small wonder some see Paul as a “false apostle”.

However, consider a couple of instances of the fraud I am talking about.

1.    Born again

We want to be ‘born again’ – and to be seen and known as ‘born again’.  This is one of the blessings of the new covenant – it was not available under the old covenant.  Now compare what Jesus said about being born again and how it is achieved (and what the first Apostles said and did) with the standard practice of any ‘church’ that says they believe in it.  One says death and resurrection; denial of self and full identification with the suffering Jesus; forsaking all for an uncertain life on earth; faithful perseverance to the day of Jesus’ return and more like that.  The other says, ‘raise your hand; come to the front; pray this prayer; come to ‘church’, read the bible and pray; go live a prosperous life; serve God in your spare time; make sure you give your tithe; and, by the way, always vote conservative.’

The latter is a complete and utter fraud.  Anyone suggesting this is attempting to defraud God by offering His blessings on the terms and conditions of a covenant dreamed up by His eternal enemy, written in the style of the old covenant laws and regulations.  “Do-list Christianity” is a good description for this fraudulent religion.  And how many souls have been defrauded and dudded?

2.    Church

The use of the term ‘church’ is another instance.  The essential meaning intended to be conveyed by this word is God’s ‘called-out’ company.  In the early part of what we call the Old Testament, the idea finds its expression in Israel.  In the latter part of the Old Testament – after Israel’s near-total and near-fatal rejection of God – it finds expression in the ‘remnant’ of Israel.  God always treasured a remnant who remained faithful to Him.

Arising out of that remnant comes Jesus, the inaugurator of the new covenant.  The early part of what we call the New Testament gives us the record of this.  Following Jesus, Apostle Paul carries the burden of revelation of the new administration of the kingdom of God.  ‘Church’ is still God’s called-out company, but it is no longer restricted to Israel.  Indeed, a careful reading of all the scriptures will show that it always was God’s way and God’s intention that His called-out company be from all nations, not just Israel.

So, ‘church’ is God’s idea from the start.  The difference in this instance between the old covenant and the new is in the nature of church and in what it does and how it does it.  Jesus makes all the difference.  Until Jesus came, lived, died, rose again, ascended to the Father and (with the Father) gave the gift of the Spirit of God to human beings, church was mostly lived as a place to go on the Sabbath and a program of rules and laws, sacrifices and offerings.

It never was God’s intention that church be mostly inorganic and centred around buildings and programs; yet that is what it became.  As long as the Holy Spirit was external and not innate and quite remote from most of the people, old covenant church was focused on buildings, law-keeping, sacrifices and a program of religious feasts and festivals.  Remember: the Israelites chose to not relate to God personally, but via king, priest and prophet.  Sound familiar?

Once the sacrifice of Jesus was complete (He is prophet, priest and king) and the Father honours it by raising Him from the dead and Jesus is taken up into glory, the new covenant church is rained upon by the Holy Spirit in fulfillment of a number of Old Testament prophecies.  Everything is different!  Every person who genuinely turns to God in repentance, faith and baptism is given the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit is now innate.  If the Spirit is allowed to do His work, every believer, by the multiplication of the gospel, becomes a cell of church.  The inorganic slips way into the background and the organic life of disciples making disciples comes forcefully to the front. 

Buildings, programs and religious ceremonies disappear from the landscape and in their place the dream and vision of God from creation begins to emerge – the family of God, the Bride of Christ in gestation.

However, one or two things stand out like beacons: 1) no record of church life in the New Testament permits us to take a positive view of church as buildings, programs, orders of service, priests, clergy-laity, temple worship, hierarchy or anything else that was part of old covenant church; 2) what is in that record we denounce and deny by any means available.  So much for being people of the book!

First, there is the complete absence in the New Testament of anything resembling a call to worship like we see throughout the Old Testament.  Second, we do see strong indicators of something hugely different – for instance Paul’s letter to the Ephesians (especially chapter 4), Galatians 4 and 5, and his words to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 14:26.

In other words, church is God’s idea and it hasn’t changed.  What has changed from the old covenant to the new is what it involves, what it looks like, what it sounds like, what it feels like, what it tastes like – fully organic.  Anything inorganic can, at best, be a servant of the church but, by its very nature and by definition, it cannot inherit the kingdom and cannot go into eternity.  Only people inherit the kingdom of God and go into eternity.

Why are things so different?  Because now, with the giving of the Holy Spirit, every believer is a brother, filled with the Spirit, taking the gospel to the world, making reproductive disciples, and fellowshipping with all believers wherever they go.  Church cannot be the same.  And if things remain the same, it cannot be church.  Everything must change.  Every person has something to contribute to corporate worship and must be allowed to do so or the Body will wither and die.

When ‘church’ is happening, there is an audience, but it is not the 90% of the congregation gathered and sitting in rows and pews watching the performance of the 10% elect.  The whole church – 100% – is to minister to God and wait on Him.  God, then is the audience – and probably with Him, the angels.  We also know that the world will be watching.  Further, we know that God uses His church as a means of displaying His glory to the enemy and the dark angels.

Pretty awesome audience; pretty awesome responsibility for the whole church.  But there’s not a whole lot of point to our activity if it’s a performance led by the few and watched by the many – and it certainly isn’t new covenant church.  It’s a fraud doled out to lazy people who want the blessings of the new covenant on the terms and conditions of the old covenant.  Just like Israel, we don’t want to get that close to God – it’s too uncomfortable.  Give us priests and pastors to mediate between us and God, never mind the scriptures (“there is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus”!: Paul to Timothy in his first letter.)

The whole idea of church as a building; a place to go; an order of service; a set of do-lists; a series of programs; pastors and priests; a structure of positions and roles; etc. etc. is classic fraud.  It is an attempt to secure the blessings of the new covenant by either invoking the terms and conditions of the old covenant or writing our own covenant documents based on our traditions, preferences and ‘church teaching’.

We need to understand that God cannot, does not, will not honour the covenant documents and promises we have constructed, even if we have made them, in good faith, “in his name”.  The only covenant He honours is the blood covenant He made and established with the life, death, resurrection and ascension of His Son.  We are not divided into classes.  We are all, together, as sons and brothers, supposed to be ‘a kingdom of priests’ who minister to God and bring His kingdom to the world.

In the current era, the vast majority of new covenant church life is underground, even in the West.  When it dares to stick its head up, it is either chopped off or it conforms to the status quo of the old covenant by degrees – or it works surreptitiously ‘under the radar’ as it were.

However, much as the ‘remnant’ of Israel, new covenant church life is emerging – in its time, suddenly!  In its time, when it emerges, by faithful perseverance, it will be too strong to be stamped out.  And at the same time, much of the old covenant church life will be too weak or too stupid (literally: in the grip of a stupor) to inflict great damage.  “Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”.  Amen!

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