Thursday 11 April 2013

The Word of God (8)

Finishing at the Beginning

Let me return now to the beginning.  I noted ten metaphors for the word of God as illustrated in ten small books produced by  Let me list them here.  The bible is not “the word of God” but part of it.  The word of God is God communicating and conversing with His family using scripture, logos, rhema and apokalupsis; and doing so in the context of deep, committed, intimate relationships.  His commitment is “I will never leave you nor forsake you; and I will finish what I began”  And in that context, He uses what He chooses to best achieve His will as He “works everything for the good of those who love Him.”

[ has changed its name, but the books are still available as pdfs on their new and upgraded websits.  Follow the links below to the publications.]
So, with the foregoing understanding of the word of God …

·         The word of God is a Hammer – breaking down misconceptions (and falsehoods)

·         The word of God is a Plow – planting hope and vision (and breaking up fallow ground)

·         The word of God is Scales – holding to God’s standard; weighing in God’s balance

·         The word of God is a Crucible – refining and melding relationships

·         The word of God is a Sickle – clearing the land and harvesting change

·         The word of God is a Trowel – living stones; spiritual house; holy priesthood

·         The word of God is a Sword – cutting through the fog (and tearing down strongholds)

·         The word of God is a Chisel – shaping and sculpting the Body of Christ

·         The word of God is an Anvil – forging out a life (and beating for strength)

·         The word of God is a Plumbline – the measure of truth and foundations
If God truly is our Father and if we who fully trust in Jesus are born again, filled with His Spirit and welcomed into the family as sons and brothers, then, in keeping with the dynamics of excellent family relationships, God's word for us will be the entirety of the communications within the relationship we each individually share with our Father.  And that relationship will develop all of these things; and "the word of God" will be, at various points along the journey, all of these ten things.

God knows far better than we do what we actually need.  He tailors the relationship to match what He knows about us and our personality, and He uses as much of each of these as He needs to grow and develop us into the best that we can be.  Generally, the thing that slows that down or halts it is our resistance to His working in our lives.  But He can cope with that - and He knows how to deal with it.  After all, He has made a couple of very special promises: 'I will never leave you or forsake you'; and 'I will complete what I have begun in you.'


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